Biology Students To Achieve Silver Medal At ITEX (International Invention Innovation and Technology Exhibition)Mahasiswa Biologi Meraih Medali Perak Pada ITEX (International Invention Innovation and Technology Exhibition)

10390564_896505360375429_6695705335104441394_nOne more international achievement was awarded to students of LSO RITMA BEM FMIPA Brawijaya University in competition of International Invention Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) 2014 and Asian Young Inventor Exhibition (AYIE) 2014. They were Benny Chandra Monacho, Dwiky Ramadian, Rizal Yulistio Aji, Desak Ketut Tristiana Sukmadewi, Ayu Arsyi Anggraini, Evi Nurfalah, Wildan Ichsan Sabila, and Ahmad Ridho. Both competitions were held in May 8th-10th, 2014 in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia.10390564_896505360375429_6695705335104441394_nSatu lagi prestasi Indonesia di kancah dunia kembali diperoleh mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam LSO RITMA BEM FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya dalam ajang Kompetisi International Invention Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) 2014 dan Asian Young Inventor Exhibition (AYIE) 2014.  Mereka adalah Benny Chandra Monacho, Dwiky Ramadian, Rizal Yulistio Aji, Desak Ketut Tristiana Sukmadewi, Ayu Arsyi Anggraini, Evi Nurfalah, Wildan Ichsan Sabila, dan Ahmad Ridho. Kompetisi ITEX dan AYIE telah berlangsung pada 8-10 Mei 2014 di Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia.

The students joined two categories of competition, Environment and Electricity. In Environment category, they showed innovation of DETECTIVE (Detergent Filter Effective Solution). This equipment was used to filter detergent waster to be fresh water with neutral pH, so it could be used to wash again and safe for aquatic ecosystem. On the other hand, in Electricity category, they showed prototype of MODUS (Motorcycle Dual Machines) project. It was a design for motor cycle with two engines; using gasoline and battery so hopefully the new technology is able to reduce fuel.

In ITEX competition, the students had to compete with many competitors from various countries. Surprisingly, Indonesian representatives were the youngest inventors since others were university lecturers and researchers. “In this competition, we focus on environmental empowerment.” said Benny Chandra Monacho as Team Leader. ITEX, held by MINDS (Malaysian Invention & Design Society) since 1989, is an international competition joined by local inventors and researchers to show their inventions to business community that are eager to commercialize them. This program becomes a facilitator among researchers, inventors, and companies from Malaysia, Asia, and Europe.

There were many international inventors having good products participated in this competition. Luckily, two-month good preparation for project, material and booth expo made everything work. In both competitions, Brawijaya University students achieved Gold Medal for AYIE, silver medal for ITEX and 2 special awards. The first special award was given by Korea Invention News for Honor an Exceptionally Outstanding and Creative Invention at the25th International Invention, Innovation, and Technology Exhibitiom (ITEX) 2014 while the second was given by The Office of The Basic Education Commission Ministry of Education (Thailand) at the Asian Young Inventors Exhibition 2014.

Hopefully, awards that were achieved by Benny Chandra Monacho (Instrumentation 2012), Dwiky Ramadian (Instrumentation 2012), Rizal Yulistio Aji (Instrumentation 2011), Desak Ketut Tristiana Sukmadewi (Biology2011), Ayu Arsyi Anggraini (Biology 2011), Evi Nurfalah (Biology 2012), Wildan Ichsan Sabila (Geophysics 2013), and Ahmad Ridho (Geophysics 2013) can inspire other students to innovate and solve social problems so Indonesia name is better in international world.

Dalam kompetisi ini, mereka mengambil 2 kategori yaitu Environment dan Electricity. Di bidang environment, mereka menampilkan inovasi DETECTIVE (Detergent Filter Effective Solution). Alat ini berfungsi untuk memfilter limbah detergen menjadi air bersih dengan pH netral, sehingga air hasil saringan dapat digunakan untuk mencuci kembali dan tentunya aman untuk dialirkan menuju ekosistem air. Sedangkan di bidang electricity, mereka menampilkan prototype MODUS (Motorcycle Dual Machines) project. Prototype ini merupakan desain dari sepeda motor dengan dua mesin yaitu mesin bensin dan mesin baterai, sehingga diharapkan project ini dapat menghemat bahan bakar sepeda motor“.

Dalam Kompetisi ITEX sangat banyak kompetitornya, berasal dari berbagai negara, dan dari Perwakilan Indonesia merupakan inventor termuda, karena kompetitor lainya merupakan dosen universitas dan para peneliti lembaga dari setiap negara. Akan tetapi, dalam kompetisi ini kami tetap menekankan innovasi berbasis pemberdayaan lingkungan” tutur Benny Chandra Monacho selaku Ketua Tim. ITEX sendiri merupakan kompetisi internasional untuk penemu lokal hingga internasional dan penelitian para ilmuwan untuk menyajikan penemuan dan inovasi mereka ke komunitas bisnis yang tertarik untuk mengkomersilkan penemuan unik. Diselenggarakan oleh MINDS (Malaysian Invention & Design Society) sejak tahun 1989, acara tahunan ini menarik penemu dengan penemuan-penemuan terbaru mereka dan inovasi dari perguruan tinggi, lembaga penelitian, penemu individu, penemu muda, dan perusahaan-perusahaan dari Malaysia, Asia dan Eropa.

Pada kompetisi ini diikuti oleh ratusan inventor Internasional dengan produk-produk inovasi yang bersaing. Akan tetapi, dengan persiapan yang matang selama 2 bulan untuk menyiapkan project, materi, dan booth expo akhirnya perjuangan berbuahkan hasil. Dalam Kompetisi International Invention Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) 2014 dan Asian Young Inventor Exhibition (AYIE) 2014 mereka memperoleh Gold Medal untuk AYIE, Silver Medal untuk ITEX, dan 2 Special Award. Special Award yang pertama diberikan oleh Korea Invention News (Korea) untuk Honor An Exceptionally Outstanding and Creative Invention at the25th International Invention, Innovation, and Technology Exhibitiom (ITEX) 2014. Sedangkan special award yang kedua diberikan oleh The Office of The Basic Education Commision Ministry of Education (Thailand) at the Asian Young Inventors Exhibition 2014.

Semoga apa yang dilakukan oleh Benny Chandra Monacho (Instrumentasi 2012), Dwiky Ramadian (Instrumentasi 2012), Rizal Yulistio Aji (Instrumentasi 2011) , Desak Ketut Tristiana Sukmadewi (Biologi 2011), Ayu Arsyi Anggraini (Biologi 2011), Evi Nurfalah (Biologi 2012), Wildan Ichsan Sabila (Geofisika 2013), dan Ahmad Ridho (Geofisika 2013) dapat menjadi contoh bagi mahasiswa Indonesia lainnya dan khususnya Universitas Brawijaya  untuk terus berinovasi dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan sehingga nama Indonesia akan semakin dikenal di kancah Internasional.