Based on the decision of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 277 / SKBAN-PT / Akred / D / VIII / 2014 on Value and Rating Program Accreditation Doctoral Studies Program, Biology Doctoral Program scored 339 of BAN PT. This means Biology Doctoral Program was rated B that valid from August 9, 2014 to August 8 2019. Accreditation Achievement first is highly regarded by the academic community as a Biology degree program is opened based on the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 62 / D / O / 2010, and began accepting new students since the academic year 2011/2012 until the accreditation visitation has not passed that affect the values obtained.
Berdasarkan Keputusan Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi Nomor: 277/SKBAN-PT/Akred/D/VIII/2014 Tentang Nilai dan Peringkat Akreditasi Program Studi pada Program Doktor, Program Doktor Biologi mendapatkan nilai 339 dari BAN PT. Ini berarti Program Doktor Biologi mendapat peringkat B yang berlaku sejak 9 Agustus 2014 sampai 8 Agustus 2019. Capaian Akreditasi pertama kali ini sangat disyukuri oleh civitas akademika karena program Doktor Biologi yang dibuka berdasarkan SK Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No: 62/D/O/2010, dan mulai menerima mahasiswa baru sejak tahun akademik 2011/2012 tersebut sampai dengan visitasi akreditasi belum meluluskan sehingga mempengaruhi nilai yang diperoleh.
Head Master of Biology Doctoral Program, Dr. Luchman Hakim, stating that these achievements are hard work and commitment of the entire academic community and students in Biology Doctoral Program should be maintained and enhanced, especially to improve the accreditation in the future. It is hoped that in the future more and Biology Doctoral Program plays an important role in producing scientists and educators reliable, especially in the field of conservation of biological resources of Indonesia. Biology Doctoral Program will continue to improve the performance of the education, research faculty and students, as well as perform community service on an ongoing basis.
Ketua Program Doktor Biologi, Dr. Luchman Hakim, menyatakan bahwa capaian tersebut adalah buah kerja keras dan komitmen dari seluruh civitas akademika dan mahasiswa di Program Doktor Biologi yang harus terus dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan, terutama untuk memperbaiki akreditasi dimasa mendatang. Diharapakan bahwa kedepan Program Doktor Biologi semakin memainkan peran penting dalam menghasilkan ilmuwan-ilmuwan dan pendidik handal, terutama dalam bidang konservasi sumberdaya hayati Indonesia. Program Doktor Biologi akan terus meningkatkan kinerja pendidikan, penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa, serta melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat secara berkesinambungan.