[:en]Guest Lecture from Prof. Maurice S.B. Ku, Ph.D., National Chiayi University, Taiwan[:id]Kuliah Tamu Prof. Maurice S. B. Ku, PhD., National Chiayi University, Taiwan[:]


On Tuesday (10/12/2019), the Department of Biology, Universitas Brawijaya, held a guest lecture. This guest lecture invited Prof. Maurice S.B. Ku, Ph.D. from National Chiayi University, Taiwan. The event themed “C4 Rice: Improving Rice Productivity with C4 Photosynthesis” took place at 10:00 pm on the 2nd floor of the Biology building. The activity was opened by one of the Biology lecturers, Rodiyati Azrianingsih, Ph.D., and was attended by lecturers and students from various faculties at Universitas Brawijaya, including the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,  Faculty of Agriculture.

At this guest lecture, the main discussion was on some research results on the process of converting C3 into C4 rice plants. The conversion of photosynthesis type from C3 to C4 was carried out to increase the efficiency of rice production. The conversion of C3 to C4 rice could increase rice production by 70%. Methods, techniques, and discussions about the world community’s acceptance of transgenic plants were also discussed in this forum.

The activity continued with a visit to the laboratory in the Department of Biology. This visit focused on discussions about improving the success and efficiency of tissue culture, especially the tissue culture of Porang plants.

The next activity was the delivery of guest lecture material by Prof. Ku, held at LPPM, Universitas Brawijaya, titled “Tissue Culture of Porang and Its Application in Seed Production” and “Use of Modern Plant Biotechnologies to Improve Crop Production.” Finally, the activity continued with discussions with members of the related study center, namely P4I. This activity was attended by all academics who were members of the P4I study center.

In addition, a field visit was also conducted to the farmers’ community in UB Forest. Observations on Porang flowers and the proper flower phase for tissue culture were also carried out.


Pada hari Selasa/ 10-12-2019, Jurusan Biologi UB (JBUB) kembali mengadakan kuliah tamu. Kegiatan kuliah tamu kali ini menghadirkan Prof. Maurice S. B. Ku, PhD dari National Chiayi University, Taiwan. Kegiatan yang bertema “C4 Rice: Improving Rice Productivity with C4 Photosynthesis” tersebut berlangsung pada pukul 10.00 WIB, di Ruang Biologi, Ged. Biologi Lt.2. Kegiatan tersebut di buka dengan salah satu dosen Biologi, Rodiyati Azrianningsih, P.hD. dan dihadiri oleh dosen dan mahasiswa dari berbagai fakultas di Universitas Brawijaya, antara lain fakultas MIPA dan Pertanian.

Pada kuliah tamu ini, pembahasan utama ada pada beberapa hasil penelitian mengenai proses mengubah tanaman padi (C3) menjadi tanaman padi (C4). Pengubahan tipe fotosintesis dari C3 ke C4 dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi beras pada padi. Pengubahan padi C3 menjadi C4 mampu meningkatkan produksi beras hingga 70%. Metode, Teknik, serta pembahasan mengenai penerimaan masyarakat dunia terhadap tanaman transgenic juga dibahas pada diskusi ini.

Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan ke laboratorium di Jurusan Biologi. Kunjungan ini menitikberatkan pada diskusi tentang peningkatan keberhasilan serta efisiensi kultur jaringan, terutama kultur jaringan tanaman porang.

Kegiatan selanjutnya ialah penyampaian materi kuliah tamu oleh Prof. Ku yang dilaksanakan di LPPM, Universitas Brawijaya dengan judul “Tissue Culture of Porang and Its Application in Seed Production” dan “Use of Modern Plant Biotechnologies to Improve Crop Production”. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dengan anggota pusat studi terkait, yakni P4I. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh seluruh akademisi yang tergabung pada pusat studi P4I.

Salain itu, kunjungan lapang juga dilakukan, yakni ke petani porang di UB Forest. Pengamatan pada bunga porang serta fase bunga yang tepat untuk kultur jaringan juga dilakukan.
