[:en]KPRS period of canceled and added : 23-27 August 2021
KPRS period of canceled : 30 Agustus 2021 – 3 September 2021
Student status at SIAM is active or registered
For S1 Biology study programs: Fill out the KPRS form by including proof of communication/approval from the PA lecturer, KRS for odd semesters 2021/2022, and KHS for even semesters 2020/2021.
Form KPRS: https://bit.ly/KPRS_S1Bio_Ganjil2021-2022.
Filling Stipulation:
- If the cancellation and or addition of more than one course, then the KPRS input process is carried out per course (filling in more than one form according to the number of MKs that are canceled or added).
- For additional courses, please pay attention to the maximum number of credits.
Especially for Postgraduate Programs (S2 and S3), you can fill out the KPRS form and submit it to the Head of the respective Study Programs.
If there are questions or complaints, they can be submitted to the Secretary of the Biology Department.[:id]Periode KPRS batal dan tambah: 23-27 Agustus 2021
Periode KPRS batal: 30 Agustus 2020 – 3 September 2021
- Status mahasiswa di SIAM telah aktif atau terdaftar
- Untuk prodi S1 Biologi: Mengisi form KPRS dengan menyertakan bukti komunikasi / persetujuan dari dosen PA, KRS Semester ganjil 2021/2022, dan KHS Semester Genap 2020/2021.
Form KPRS: https://bit.ly/KPRS_S1Bio_Ganjil2021-2022.
Ketentuan pengisian:
- Jika pembatalan dan atau penambahan mata kuliahnya lebih dari satu mata kuliah, maka proses input KPRS dilakukan per mata kuliah (mengisi form lebih dari satu sesuai jumlah MK yang dibatalkan atau ditambahkan).
- Penambahan mata kuliah harap memperhatikan jumlah maksimal sks.
Khusus Program Pascasarjana (S2 dan S3), dapat mengisi form KPRS dan menyampaikannya ke Kaprodi masing-masing.
Jika ada pertanyaan atau keluhan bisa disampaikan ke Sekretaris Jurusan Biologi.[:]