JBUB Alumni Sharing Series Webinar topic Free Training for Beginners on Infographics and Videoclips Design will be held on :
Date : Saturday, 9 October 2021
Time : 08.00-10.00 WIB
Application : Zoom meeting (link menyusul)
Opening Speech : Head of Biology Department (Prof. Muhaimin Rifa’i, S.Si., Ph.D. Med.Sc.)
Keynote Speaker : Mokh. Luqman Hakim Haikal SSi. (alumni JB UB)
Moderator : Dr. Brian Rahardi MSc
Student should design infographics related to the conservation of Xanthosoma undipes taro forest and/or forests as their natural habitat. The draft is uploaded during registration and will be reviewed by sources, click the following link
JBUB Alumni Sharing Series Webinar dengan topik Free Training for Beginners on Infographics and Videoclips Design yang akan dilaksanakan pada :
Hari, tanggal : Sabtu, 9 Oktober 2021
Pukul : 08.00-10.00 WIB
Aplikasi : Zoom meeting (link menyusul)
Sambutan : Ketua Jurusan Biologi
Narasumber : Mokh. Luqman Hakim Haikal SSi. (alumni JB UB)
Moderator : Dr. Brian Rahardi MSc
Silahkan mahasiswa merancang infografis terkait konservasi talas hutan Xanthosoma undipes dan atau hutan sebagai habitat alaminya. Rancangan diunggah saat pendaftaran dan akan direview narasumber, klik tautan berikut