Syahputra Wibowo, a doctoral student (S3) of Biology Department, Brawijaya University received a PKPI scholarship from DIKTI to Italy for 4 months (December 2021- March 2022). This student exchange-based scholarship is centered on joint research activities with universities around the world. Syahputra Wibowo himself is a doctoral student who received a PMDSU scholarship (Master’s Program Towards Doctoral For Superior Undergraduates) from DIKTI. PMDSU scholarship is an acceleration program for Masters and Doctoral Studies by the Directorate General of Science and Technology Resources and the Higher Education Ministry of Research and Technology. The joint research’s host is Universita Degli Studi Di Siena, Italy under the guidance of Prof. Rebecca Pogni, P.hD, Jessica Costa, P.hD and Maria Camilla Baratto, P.hD. This university is one of the oldest universities in Europe which was built in 1240 and has given birth to various great world figures. In addition to the Universita Degli Studi in Siena, Italy he also co-collaborated with Hiroshima University, Japan under the guidance of Prof. Koichi Matsuo. During his doctoral studies at Brawijaya University, Syahputra is under the guidance of promotor Prof. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, S.U., D.Sc, co-promotor Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si and co-promotor Akhmad Sabarudin, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr.Sc.
“I am grateful to receive the opportunity by DIKTI with a PMDSU scholarship in my master’s to doctoral studies at Brawijaya University Malang, and also a very precious opportunity for this PKPI scholarship so that I am able to contribute to the University at the international research level. The results of this joint research have been successfully published in the Q1 Scopus journal with H-Index 195 and Impact Factor 5.924. This result cannot be separated from the guidance of all parties, especially my doctoral promotor and co-promotors who guided my studies very well.” he said.
The publication of scientific journal from this program has been successfully published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences with title “Quantification and Improvement of the Dynamics of Human Serum Albumin and Glycated Human Serum Albumin with Astaxanthin/Astaxanthin-Metal Ion Complexes: Physico-Chemical and Computational Approaches” and can be accessed at the following link : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35563162/ or https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/9/4771. Syahputra will complete his doctoral studies in July 2022 at the age of 26.
Syahputra Wibowo, mahasiswa doktoral (S3) Departemen Biologi Universitas Brawijaya mendapatkan beasiswa PKPI dari DIKTI ke Italy selama 4 bulan (Desember 2021- Maret 2022). Beasiswa yang berbasis student exchange ini berpusat pada kegiatan joint research dengan universitas-universitas di dunia. Syahputra Wibowo sendiri merupakan mahasiswa penerima beasiswa PMDSU (Program Magister Menuju Doktoral Untuk Sarjana Unggul) dari DIKTI, dimana ia menyelesaikan studi magister serta doktoral selama 4 tahun saja. Host University di Italy yang menjadi wadah research Syahputra yaitu Universita Degli Studi Di Siena, di bawah bimbingan Prof. Rebecca Pogni, P.hD, Jessica Costa, P.hD dan Maria Camilla Baratto, P.hD. Universitas tersebut merupakan salah satu universitas tertua di Eropa dimana dibangun pada tahun 1240 dan telah melahirkan berbagai tokoh hebat dunia. Selain dengan Universita Degli Studi di Siena, Italy ia juga melakukan co-kolaborasi dengan Hiroshima University, Japan di bawah bimbingan Prof. Koichi Matsuo. Selama studi doktoral di Universitas Brawijaya Syahputra berada di bawah bimbingan promotor Prof. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, S.U., D.Sc, ko-promotor Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si dan ko promotor Akhmad Sabarudin, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr.Sc.
“Saya bersyukur telah diberikan kesempatan oleh DIKTI dengan beasiswa PMDSU dalam studi magister hingga doktoral saya di Universitas Brawijaya Malang, dan juga kesempatan yang sangat berharga untuk beasiswa PKPI ini sehingga saya mampu berkontribusi kepada Universitas Brawijaya di kancah research internasional. Hasil dari joint research ini telah berhasil dipublikasikan di jurnal Q1 Scopus dengan H-Index 195 dan Impact Factor 5.924. Hasil ini tidak lepas dari bimbingan semua pihak terutama promotor dan ko-promotor studi doktoral yang membimbing studi saya dengan sangat baik” ujarnya.
Publikasi jurnal ilmiah dari joint research beasiswa PKPI ini telah berhasil dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Molecular Sciences dengan judul “Quantification and Improvement of the Dynamics of Human Serum Albumin and Glycated Human Serum Albumin with Astaxanthin/Astaxanthin-Metal Ion Complexes: Physico-Chemical and Computational Approaches” dan dapat diakses pada link berikut : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35563162/ atau https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/9/4771. Syahputra akan menyelesaikan studi doktoralnya pada bulan Juli 2022 di usia 26 tahun.