No | Name of Lecturer |
Achievement |
Year |
Level |
1 | Sutiman Bambang Sumitro | To achieve Patent right for getting molecular bZP3dG and anti-bZP3dG as substance of woman anti-fertility | 2010 | National |
2 | Fatchiyah | Grantee of PHK theme C UB and PHK National | 2012-2013 | National |
3 | Setijono Samino | Grantee of PHK | 2013 | National |
4 | Sri Rahayu | Grantee of PHK | 2010-2012 | National |
5 | Estri Laras Arumingtyas | Satya Lencana Karya Satya 20 years | 2012 | Local |
Best Performance Lecture #3 | 2008 | Local | ||
6 | Suharjono | Grantee of Research Grant | 2009-2012 | National |
7 | Serafinah Indriyani | Grantee of PHK | 2013 | National |
8 | Endang Arisoesilaningsih | Grantee of research grant | 2010-2012 | National |
9 | Catur Retnaningdyah | Grantee of research grants | 2010-2013 | National |
10 | Moch. Sasmito Djati | Satya Lencana 10 years | 2012 | Local |
Best performance for head of study program | 2009 | Local | ||
11 | Muhaimin Rifa’i | Grantee of research grants | 2009-2013 | National |
12 | Amin Setyo Leksono | Grantee of research grants | 2010-2013 | National |
13 | Bagyo Yanuwiadi | Grantee of research grants | National | |
14 | Wahyu Widoretno | Grantee of research grants | National | |
15 | Retno Mastuti | Grantee of PHK | 2012-2013 | National |
16 | Sri Widyarti | Grantee of PHK | 2012 | National |
17 | Tri Ardiyati | Best performance for head of study program | 2012 | Local |
18 | Luchman Hakim | JICA Grantee | 2010-2013 | International |
19 | Rodliyati Azrianingsih | Grantee of research grants | 2010-2013 | National |
20 | Widodo | Best Young Researcher of Kalbe- Research-tech Award | 2013 | National |
Nestle Nutrition council | 2008 | International | ||
Young Investigator Award, Cell and Tissue Culture Association | 2008 | International |
No | Nama Dosen Tetap | Prestasi yang Dicapai | Waktu Pencapaian | Tingkat |
1 | Sutiman Bambang Sumitro | Memperoleh Patent, Proses untuk mendapatkan Molekul bZP3dG dan anti-bZP3dG sebagai bahan antifertilitas wanita | 2010 | Nasional |
2 | Fatchiyah | Grantee PHK tema C UB dan PHK Nasional | 2012-2013 | Nasional |
3 | Setijono Samino | Grantee PHK | 2013 | Nasional |
4 | Sri Rahayu | Grantee PHK | 2010-2012 | Nasional |
5 | Estri Laras Arumingtyas | Satya Lencana Karya Satya 20 Tahun | 2012 | Lokal |
Dosen berprestasi 3 | 2008 | Lokal | ||
6 | Suharjono | Grantee berbagai hibah penelitian | 2009-2012 | Nasional |
7 | Serafinah Indriyani | Grantee PHK | 2013 | Nasional |
8 | Endang Arisoesilaningsih | Grantee berbagai hibah penelitian | 2010-2012 | Nasional |
9 | Catur Retnaningdyah | Grantee berbagai hibah penelitian | 2010-2013 | Nasional |
10 | Moch. Sasmito Djati | Satya Lencana 10 tahun | 2012 | Lokal |
KPS Berprestasi | 2009 | Lokal | ||
11 | Muhaimin Rifa’i | Grantee berbagai hibah penelitian | 2009-2013 | Nasional |
12 | Amin Setyo Leksono | Grantee berbagai hibah penelitian | 2010-2013 | Nasional |
13 | Bagyo Yanuwiadi | Grantee berbagai hibah penelitian | Nasional | |
14 | Wahyu Widoretno | Grantee berbagai hibah penelitian | Nasional | |
15 | Retno Mastuti | Grantee PHK | 2012-2013 | Nasional |
16 | Sri Widyarti | Grantee PHK | 2012 | Nasional |
17 | Tri Ardiyati | KPS Berprestasi | 2012 | Lokal |
18 | Luchman Hakim | JICA Grantee | 2010-2013 | International |
19 | Rodliyati Azrianingsih | Grantee berbagai hibah penelitian | 2010-2013 | Nasional |
20 | Widodo | Peneliti Muda Terbaik Kalbe- Ristek Award | 2013 | Nasional |
Nestle Nutrition council | 2008 | Internasional | ||
Young Investigator Award, Cell and Tissue Culture Association | 2008 | Internasiotnal |